terça-feira, 4 de março de 2014

Dor ainda bate para querida irmã no céu escuto Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche

Foto: Identifying the Difference between Ego and True Self

It is really easy to understand what your ego is and what True Self is.

Trust your body:

Your ego supplies you with feelings of constriction, pain, obsession, fear and severe dis-empowerment. Your energy levels drop and you feel tired, anxious and overwhelmed. Because your thoughts are focused on past pain or future fears you are significantly disabled in the moment. You feel needy and anxious.

Your True Self (your natural state of being) supplies you with feelings of calm, peace, happiness and clarity. Because you are in the Now, you are functional, creative and expansive.

Identifying If You are Attached to Your Ego

The following quiz will not be effective unless it is done with honesty. To experience authentic love, success and happiness, there is a real need to drop defence mechanisms and confront ourselves squarely. This is the only way through to freedom – which can only occur if we work hard at dissolving the ego.

Ask yourself –

Do you think and feel that outer life needs to deliver you ‘things’ in order for you to be happy?

Do you struggle to take responsibility that you have created the aspects in your life which haven’t worked?

Do you blame people and situations outside of yourself when things go wrong?

Do you believe your happiness is dependent on how other people see you or what you have?

Do you think that you are ‘on your own’ in life?

Do you judge negative things that show up in your life and have trouble understanding the gift?


15 or over
Your ego is running your life. you'll be experiencing great feelings of separation from happiness and other people. You are extremely self-critical and self-judgemental (fearing other people might see this), and have to put in a lot of work to love and embrace yourself. It is likely that you experienced a hard and painful childhood. You may have undergone many painful repeat events in your life. To amend this self-work and self-healing is fundamental. Nothing will change until you do.

Even though you may experience some ‘wins’ in your life it is likely that these will be transient. Your life may be a roller-coaster of feeling good then feeling extremely disappointed when life isn’t delivering you what you believe it should. It is time to release your need to ‘make things happen’ and work on your self-healing enough to ‘allow things to happen’. It is necessary for you to learn how to embrace and love yourself.

Judgement of self, life and others is blocking you from reaching your full potential. By learning how to love and accept yourself and by taking responsibility that you create every incident in your life ‘as a gift’ - you'll be able to improve your life.

You are human, and as such may still struggle at times with your ego. Even though you have an ability to let go and trust the processes of life, you may wish to dissolve the last pieces of your ego to truly become a divine creator of love, success and happiness.

If you are consistently holding this space of self-reflection and responsibility for every creation in your life – you are truly blessed with an abundance of authentic love, success and happiness. Congratulations! Share this example with others and be a shining light healing the separatism of humans to wholeness, love and oneness. The world needs people like you.

so guyz put peace into your life forget the past and make your ahead life beautiful peaceful and healed , don't let your past control your ahead life.

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