segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

Hviezdoslav, Pavol Országh

Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav
"Onde  leste  secretamente  nasceu    com ramos da meia-noite alta,
lírio brilho primeiro, logo em seguida, depois de tudo, fruta madura,"

Hviezdoslav veio como um gênio artístico maior do que todos os que vieram antes de capturar todos os fios da criação artística e literária Eslovaca e girá-lo com uma mão forte gentil e com um novo brilho de cor no pano representando a vida eslovaco, expressando o espírito da Eslováquia por todo o tempo.
  Sua poesia é uma permanente tensão elétrica entre os céus e a terra (a terra real e unembellished, empoeirada, suja, oprimidos e pobres, entre Deus eo homem, entre a Justiça ideal bom   e devastador e humilhante, se você deseja, a realidade vergonhosa. . ,

Foto: Card Of The Day 
From Angels , Gods and Goddess Deck

God of the Underworld

Something which no longer serves you is about to end.

Something which no longer serves you is about to end. Hades, God of death and the underworld has appeared in your reading today to mirror an impending death. Yet this is not a physical death, rather it is the death of outmoded ways of thinking, belief systems or emotional patterns that restrict or prevent you from moving towards a more positive and inspiring future. On a subconscious level you have yearned to rid yourself of these traits, which deep in your heart you know keep you from being and experiencing all you can. 

It is difficult to let go of something so familiar to you, yet know that in this instance it is essential that a part of you die in order for you to experience possibilities. Surrender. Let go gracefully and trust. Hades is often brutal in his ways, so it is inevitable that you may feel unsettled or out of balance in the coming days. However, remember that this is all a natural part of the healing process. This card is not a curse; rather, it is a blessing which has the power to transform your life. Remember, death and rebirth are two sides of the same coin, you cannot have one occur without the other. Let go of the old and make way for something new.

Love light and peace <3
 pergunta ele, o poeta que estamos acostumados a olhar para algum lugar no empíreo e entre as flores.

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