quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2013

Coluna Rê: O que se passa..

"No amor, a felicidade é um estado anormal."
Junte-se Poets House aniversário de (10 de julho) para celebrar

"No doubt anyone with an interest in Marcel Proust will be grateful for Penguin’s new dual language edition of The Collected Poems, incisively edited by Harold Augenbraum and drawing on the work of 20 translators. But devotees of David Foster Wallace, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, Jean Rhys—even Kenneth Burke—will also be enthralled: if an infinite book has no beginning or end, then surely this is one. Augenbraum’s introduction and hugely entertaining notes help make the volume at least three books, really. Palimpsest or holographic to the poems, Augenbraum’s given us a biography of Proust as well as an engrossing cultural history, a cubist portrait of the writer’s milieu and his most intimate friendships."

Part of a wonderful write-up on Huffington Post about our new Collected Poems of Marcel Proust, now out for Poetry Month and also to celebrate 2013 as the 100th anniversary of Swann’s Way
More Poetry Month happiness at Penguin Classics!
 a publicação do Collected Poems de Marcel Proust, editado por Harold Augenbraum, e com o trabalho de 20 poetas e tradutores. Augenbraum, fundador da Sociedade Proust of America, será acompanhado por contribuintes
Meena Alexander,
Marcella Durand: 4 Poems
 Marcella Durand,

 Wayne Koestenbaum, 
image preview
Anna Moschovakis,

 Mark Polizzotti e 
Susan Stewart
Susan Stewar/imagens google
Um manuscrito de "Murphy", 
o primeiro romance do escritor irlandês Samuel Beckett, foi 
vendido em um leilão em Londres nesta quarta-feira por quase 1 milhão de libras (1,5 milhão de dólares), conforme estimativas pré-leilão, segundo a casa de leilão Sotheby's.FONTE http://hardmusica.pt/

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